Source code for autotuning_methodology.baseline

"""Code for baselines."""

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import abstractmethod
from math import ceil
from typing import Callable, Optional

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import PchipInterpolator

from autotuning_methodology.curves import CurveBasis, get_indices_in_array, moving_average
from autotuning_methodology.searchspace_statistics import SearchspaceStatistics

[docs] class Baseline(CurveBasis): """Class to use as a baseline against Curves in plots.""" label: str searchspace_stats: SearchspaceStatistics def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialization method, implemented in more detail in inheriting classes.""" super().__init__()
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_standardised_curves(self, range: np.ndarray, strategy_curves: list[np.ndarray], x_type: str) -> tuple: """Substract the baseline curve from the provided strategy curves, yielding standardised strategy curves.""" absolute_optimum = self.searchspace_stats.total_performance_absolute_optimum() random_curve = self.get_curve(range, x_type) standardised_curves: list[np.ndarray] = list() for strategy_curve in strategy_curves: if strategy_curve is None: standardised_curves.append(None) continue assert strategy_curve.shape == random_curve.shape, "strategy_curve shape must match random_curve shape" standardised_curve = (strategy_curve - random_curve) / (absolute_optimum - random_curve) standardised_curves.append(standardised_curve) return tuple(standardised_curves)
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_standardised_curve(self, range: np.ndarray, strategy_curve: np.ndarray, x_type: str) -> np.ndarray: """Substract the baseline curve from the provided strategy curve, yielding a standardised strategy curve.""" return self.get_standardised_curves(range, [strategy_curve], x_type)[0]
[docs] class RandomSearchCalculatedBaseline(Baseline): """Baseline object using calculated random search without replacement.""" def __init__( self, searchspace_stats: SearchspaceStatistics, include_nan=False, time_per_feval_operator: str = "mean_per_feval", simulate: bool = False, ) -> None: """Initialization to create a calculated random search trajectory as a baseline. Args: searchspace_stats: searchspace statistics object. include_nan: whether to take NaN (invalid configurations etc.) into account. Defaults to False. time_per_feval_operator: the method used to calculate average time per feval. Defaults to "mean_per_feval". simulate: whether to simulate (instead of calculate) the random search trajectory. Defaults to False. """ self.searchspace_stats = searchspace_stats self.time_per_feval_operator = time_per_feval_operator self.simulate = simulate self.label = f"Calculated baseline, {include_nan=}, {time_per_feval_operator=}, {simulate=}" self.dist_best_first = searchspace_stats.objective_performances_total_sorted_nan self.dist_ascending = searchspace_stats.objective_performances_total_sorted self.dist_descending = self.dist_ascending[::-1] assert np.all(self.dist_ascending[:-1] <= self.dist_ascending[1:]) assert np.all(self.dist_descending[:-1] >= self.dist_descending[1:]) if include_nan: self._redwhite_index_dist = self.dist_best_first[::-1] else: self._redwhite_index_dist = self.dist_descending if searchspace_stats.minimization else self.dist_ascending super().__init__()
[docs] def time_to_fevals(self, time_range: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Convert a time range to a number of function evaluations range. Args: time_range: the time range to be converted. Returns: the estimated number of function evaluations range. """ time_per_feval = self.searchspace_stats.get_time_per_feval(self.time_per_feval_operator) # assert all(a <= b for a, b in zip(time_range, time_range[1:])), "Time range not monotonically non-decreasing" fevals_range = np.maximum(time_range / time_per_feval, 1) # assert all(a <= b for a, b in zip(fevals_range, fevals_range[1:])), "Fevals not monotonically non-decreasing" fevals_range = np.array(np.round(fevals_range), dtype=int) assert all(fevals_range >= 1), f"Fevals range must have minimum of 1, has {fevals_range[fevals_range < 1]}" return fevals_range
# curve = self._get_random_curve(fevals_range) # indices = get_indices_in_distribution(curve) # indices_interpolated = np.interp(, fevals_range, indices) # assert indices.shape == time_range.shape # return self.dist_descending[indices] def _redwhite_index(self, M: int, N: int) -> float: """Get the expected index in the distribution for a budget in number of function evaluations M.""" assert M >= 0, f"M must be >= 0, is {M}" index = round(M * (N + 1) / (M + 1)) index = min(N - 1, index) return index def _redwhite_index_value(self, M: int, N: int, dist: np.ndarray) -> float: """Get the expected value in the distribution for a budget in number of function evaluations M.""" return dist[self._redwhite_index(M, N)] def _get_random_curve(self, fevals_range: np.ndarray, smoothing=True) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the drawn values of the random curve at each number of function evaluations.""" ks = fevals_range dist = self._redwhite_index_dist N = dist.shape[0] draws = np.array([self._redwhite_index_value(k, N, dist) for k in ks]) if not smoothing or len(fevals_range) <= 2: return draws # the monotic interpolator does not handle duplicate values, so if present, filter them out first if len(fevals_range) != len(np.unique(fevals_range)): # get a boolean mask of the fevals_range-values that occur multiple times # (as ediff1d only gives the difference between consecutive values, the first value is added as True) first_occurance_index = np.concatenate([[True], np.where(np.ediff1d(fevals_range) > 0, True, False)]) assert len(first_occurance_index) == len(fevals_range) == len(draws) # apply the boolean mask to the x and y dimensions x = fevals_range[first_occurance_index] y = draws[first_occurance_index] else: x = fevals_range y = draws # apply the monotonicity-preserving Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolating Polynomial smooth_fevals_range = np.linspace(fevals_range[0], fevals_range[-1], len(fevals_range)) smooth_draws = PchipInterpolator(x, y)(smooth_fevals_range) return smooth_draws def _draw_random(self, xs: np.ndarray, k: int): """Monte Carlo simulation over cache.""" return np.random.choice(xs, size=k, replace=False) def _stats_max(self, xs: np.ndarray, k: int, trials: int, opt_func: Callable) -> np.ndarray: # print("Running for stats max size", k, end="\r", flush=True) return np.array([opt_func(self._draw_random(xs, k)) for trial in range(trials)]) def _get_random_curve_means(self, fevals_range: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Returns the mean drawn values of the random curve at each function evaluation.""" trials = 500 dist = self.dist_descending opt_func = np.min if self.searchspace_stats.minimization else np.max results = np.array([self._stats_max(dist, budget, trials, opt_func) for budget in fevals_range]) val_indices = get_indices_in_array(results, dist) # Find the mean index per list of trial runs per function evaluation. mean_indices = [round(x) for x in val_indices.mean(axis=1)] val_results_index_mean = dist[mean_indices] return val_results_index_mean
[docs] def get_curve(self, range: np.ndarray, x_type: str, dist=None, confidence_level=None) -> np.ndarray: # noqa: D102 return super().get_curve(range, x_type, dist, confidence_level)
[docs] def get_curve_over_fevals( # noqa: D102 self, fevals_range: np.ndarray, dist=None, confidence_level=None ) -> np.ndarray: if self.simulate: return self._get_random_curve_means(fevals_range) return self._get_random_curve(fevals_range)
[docs] def get_curve_over_time(self, time_range: np.ndarray, dist=None, confidence_level=None) -> np.ndarray: # noqa: D102 fevals_range = self.time_to_fevals(time_range) curve_over_time = self.get_curve_over_fevals(fevals_range, dist, confidence_level) smoothing_factor = 0.0 if smoothing_factor > 0.0: window_size = min(time_range.size, ceil(time_range.size * smoothing_factor)) if time_range.size > 1 and window_size > 1: curve_over_time = moving_average(curve_over_time, window_size) return curve_over_time
[docs] def get_standardised_curve( # noqa: D102 self, range: np.ndarray, strategy_curve: np.ndarray, x_type: str ) -> np.ndarray: return super().get_standardised_curve(range, strategy_curve, x_type)
[docs] def get_standardised_curves( # noqa: D102 self, range: np.ndarray, strategy_curves: list[np.ndarray], x_type: str ) -> tuple[np.ndarray]: return super().get_standardised_curves(range, strategy_curves, x_type)
[docs] def get_split_times( # noqa: D102 self, range: np.ndarray, x_type: str, searchspace_stats: SearchspaceStatistics ) -> np.ndarray: return super().get_split_times(range, x_type, searchspace_stats)
[docs] def get_split_times_at_feval( # noqa: D102 self, fevals_range: np.ndarray, searchspace_stats: SearchspaceStatistics ) -> np.ndarray: random_curve = self.get_curve_over_fevals(fevals_range) index_at_feval = get_indices_in_array(random_curve, searchspace_stats.objective_performances_total) assert not np.all(np.isnan(index_at_feval)) index_at_feval = index_at_feval.astype(int) # for each key, obtain the time at a feval objective_time_keys = searchspace_stats.objective_time_keys split_time_per_feval = np.full((len(objective_time_keys), index_at_feval.shape[0]), np.NaN) for key_index, key in enumerate(objective_time_keys): split_time_per_feval[key_index] = searchspace_stats.objective_times_array[key_index, index_at_feval] return split_time_per_feval
[docs] def get_split_times_at_time( # noqa: D102 self, time_range: np.ndarray, searchspace_stats: SearchspaceStatistics ) -> np.ndarray: return super().get_split_times_at_time(time_range, searchspace_stats)
[docs] class RandomSearchSimulatedBaseline(Baseline): """Baseline object using simulated random search.""" def __init__( self, searchspace_stats: SearchspaceStatistics, repeats: int = 500, limit_fevals: int = None, index=True, flatten=True, index_avg="mean", performance_avg="mean", ) -> None: """Instantiation method. Args: searchspace_stats: Searchspace statistics object. repeats: number of times the simulation must be repeated. Defaults to 500. limit_fevals: optional limit on the number of function evaluations. Defaults to None. index: whether to use pre-indexed searchspace distribution. Defaults to True. flatten: whether the data to be fit must be flattened first. Defaults to True. index_avg: which operator to use to calculate the average index. Defaults to "mean". performance_avg: which operator to use to calculate the average performance. Defaults to "mean". """ self.searchspace_stats = searchspace_stats self.label = ( f"Simulated baseline, {repeats} repeats" f"({'index' if index else 'performance'}, " f"{'flattened' if flatten else 'accumulated'}{'' if index_avg == 'mean' else ', index-median'}" f"{'' if performance_avg == 'mean' else ', performance-median'})" ) self.use_index = index index_average_func = np.nanmean if index_avg == "mean" else np.nanmedian performance_average_func = np.nanmean if performance_avg == "mean" else np.nanmedian self._simulate(repeats, limit_fevals, index, flatten, index_average_func, performance_average_func) def _simulate( self, repeats: int, limit_fevals: Optional[int], index: bool, flatten: bool, index_average_func: Callable, performance_average_func: Callable, ): """Simulate running random search over half of the search space or limit_fevals [repeats] times.""" opt_func = np.fmin if self.searchspace_stats.minimization else np.fmax time_array = self.searchspace_stats.objective_times_total performance_array = self.searchspace_stats.objective_performances_total_sorted_nan size = min(time_array.shape[0], limit_fevals) if limit_fevals is not None else ceil(time_array.shape[0] / 2) indices = np.arange(size) # set target arrays target_shape = (repeats, size) times_at_feval = np.empty(target_shape) best_performances_at_feval = np.empty(target_shape) best_indices_at_feval = np.empty(target_shape) # simulate repeats for repeat_index in range(repeats): indices_chosen = np.random.choice(indices, size=size, replace=False) times_at_feval[repeat_index] = np.nancumsum(time_array[indices_chosen]) best_indices_at_feval[repeat_index] = np.fmin.accumulate( indices_chosen ) # NaN sorted to end, so lower index is better best_performances_at_feval[repeat_index] = opt_func.accumulate(performance_array[indices_chosen]) assert times_at_feval.shape == best_performances_at_feval.shape == best_indices_at_feval.shape == target_shape # accumulate if necessary self.index_at_feval: np.ndarray = index_average_func(best_indices_at_feval, axis=0) self.performance_at_feval: np.ndarray = performance_average_func(best_performances_at_feval, axis=0) if not flatten: self.time_at_feval: np.ndarray = np.nanmean(times_at_feval, axis=0) assert self.time_at_feval.shape == self.index_at_feval.shape == self.performance_at_feval.shape == (size,) # prepare isotonic regression from sklearn.isotonic import IsotonicRegression increasing = not self.searchspace_stats.minimization self._ir = IsotonicRegression(increasing=increasing, out_of_bounds="clip") # fit the data x_array = times_at_feval.flatten() if flatten else self.time_at_feval y_array = best_indices_at_feval if index else best_performances_at_feval self.y_array = y_array if flatten: y_array = y_array.flatten() else: y_array = self.index_at_feval if index else self.performance_at_feval self.y_array = y_array, y_array)
[docs] def get_curve(self, range: np.ndarray, x_type: str, dist=None, confidence_level=None) -> np.ndarray: # noqa: D102 return super().get_curve(range, x_type, dist, confidence_level)
[docs] def get_curve_over_fevals( # noqa: D102 self, fevals_range: np.ndarray, dist=None, confidence_level=None ) -> np.ndarray: if self.use_index: return self.searchspace_stats.objective_performances_total_sorted_nan[ np.array(np.round(self.index_at_feval[fevals_range]), dtype=int) ] else: assert self.y_array.ndim == 1 return self.y_array[fevals_range]
[docs] def get_curve_over_time(self, time_range: np.ndarray, dist=None, confidence_level=None) -> np.ndarray: # noqa: D102 predicted_y_values = self._ir.predict(time_range) if not self.use_index: return predicted_y_values return self.searchspace_stats.objective_performances_total_sorted_nan[ np.array(np.round(predicted_y_values), dtype=int) ]
[docs] def get_standardised_curve( # noqa: D102 self, range: np.ndarray, strategy_curve: np.ndarray, x_type: str ) -> np.ndarray: return super().get_standardised_curve(range, strategy_curve, x_type) # pragma: no cover
[docs] def get_standardised_curves( # noqa: D102 self, range: np.ndarray, strategy_curves: list[np.ndarray], x_type: str ) -> tuple[np.ndarray]: return super().get_standardised_curves(range, strategy_curves, x_type) # pragma: no cover
[docs] def get_split_times( # noqa: D102 self, range: np.ndarray, x_type: str, searchspace_stats: SearchspaceStatistics ) -> np.ndarray: return super().get_split_times(range, x_type, searchspace_stats) # pragma: no cover
[docs] def get_split_times_at_time( # noqa: D102 self, time_range: np.ndarray, searchspace_stats: SearchspaceStatistics ) -> np.ndarray: return super().get_split_times_at_time(time_range, searchspace_stats) # pragma: no cover
[docs] def get_split_times_at_feval( # noqa: D102 self, fevals_range: np.ndarray, searchspace_stats: SearchspaceStatistics ) -> np.ndarray: return super().get_split_times_at_feval(fevals_range, searchspace_stats) # pragma: no cover