Source code for autotuning_methodology.visualize_experiments

"""Visualize the results of the experiments."""

from __future__ import annotations  # for correct nested type hints e.g. list[str], tuple[dict, str]

import warnings
from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from autotuning_methodology.baseline import Baseline, RandomSearchCalculatedBaseline, RandomSearchSimulatedBaseline
from autotuning_methodology.curves import Curve, CurveBasis, StochasticOptimizationAlgorithm
from autotuning_methodology.experiments import execute_experiment, get_args_from_cli
from autotuning_methodology.searchspace_statistics import SearchspaceStatistics

# The kernel information per device and device information for visualization purposes
marker_variatons = ["v", "s", "*", "1", "2", "d", "P", "X"]

# total set of objective time keys
objective_time_keys_values = ["compilation", "benchmark", "framework", "search_algorithm", "validation"]

[docs] class Visualize: """Class for visualization of experiments.""" x_metric_displayname = dict( { "fevals": "Number of function evaluations used", "time_total": "Total time in seconds", "aggregate_time": "Relative time to cutoff point", "time_partial_framework_time": "framework time", "time_partial_strategy_time": "strategy time", "time_partial_compile_time": "compile time", "time_partial_benchmark_time": "kernel runtime", "time_partial_times": "kernel runtime", "time_partial_verification_time": "verification time", } ) y_metric_displayname = dict( { "objective_absolute": "Best-found objective value", "objective_scatter": "Best-found objective value", "objective_relative_median": "Fraction of absolute optimum relative to median", "objective_normalized": "Best-found objective value\n(normalized from median to optimum)", "objective_baseline": "Best-found objective value\n(relative to baseline)", "objective_baseline_max": "Improvement over random sampling", "aggregate_objective": "Aggregate best-found objective value relative to baseline", "aggregate_objective_max": "Aggregate improvement over random sampling", "time": "Best-found kernel time in miliseconds", "GFLOP/s": "GFLOP/s", } ) plot_x_value_types = ["fevals", "time", "aggregated"] # number of function evaluations, time, aggregation plot_y_value_types = [ "absolute", "scatter", "normalized", "baseline", ] # absolute values, scatterplot, median-absolute normalized, improvement over baseline plot_filename_prefix_parent = "generated_plots" colors = plt.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"].by_key()["color"] def __init__( self, experiment_filepath: str, save_figs=True, save_extra_figs=False, continue_after_comparison=False, compare_extra_baselines=False, ) -> None: """Initialization method for the Visualize class. Args: experiment_filepath: the path to the experiment-filename.json to run. save_figs: whether to save the figures to file, if not, displays in a window. Defaults to True. save_extra_figs: whether to save split times and baseline comparisons figures to file. Defaults to False. continue_after_comparison: whether to continue plotting after processing comparisons. Defaults to False. compare_extra_baselines: whether to include additional baselines for comparison. Defaults to False. Raises: ValueError: on various invalid inputs. """ # # silently execute the experiment # with warnings.catch_warnings(): # warnings.simplefilter("ignore") self.experiment, self.strategies, self.results_descriptions = execute_experiment( experiment_filepath, profiling=False ) experiment_folderpath = Path(experiment_filepath).parent experiment_folder_id: str = self.experiment["folder_id"] assert isinstance(experiment_folder_id, str) and len(experiment_folder_id) > 0 self.plot_filename_prefix = f"{self.plot_filename_prefix_parent}/{experiment_folder_id}/" print("\n") print("Visualizing") # preparing filesystem if save_figs or save_extra_figs: Path(self.plot_filename_prefix_parent).mkdir(exist_ok=True) Path(self.plot_filename_prefix).mkdir(exist_ok=True) # settings self.minimization: bool = self.experiment.get("minimization", True) cutoff_percentile: float = self.experiment["cutoff_percentile"] cutoff_percentile_start: float = self.experiment.get("cutoff_percentile_start", 0.01) cutoff_type: str = self.experiment.get("cutoff_type", "fevals") assert cutoff_type == "fevals" or cutoff_type == "time", f"cutoff_type != 'fevals' or 'time', is {cutoff_type}" time_resolution: float = self.experiment.get("resolution", 1e4) if int(time_resolution) != time_resolution: raise ValueError(f"The resolution must be an integer, yet is {time_resolution}.") time_resolution = int(time_resolution) objective_time_keys: list[str] = self.experiment["objective_time_keys"] objective_performance_keys: list[str] = self.experiment["objective_performance_keys"] # plot settings plot_settings: dict = self.experiment["plot"] plot_x_value_types: list[str] = plot_settings["plot_x_value_types"] plot_y_value_types: list[str] = plot_settings["plot_y_value_types"] compare_baselines: bool = plot_settings.get("compare_baselines", False) compare_split_times: bool = plot_settings.get("compare_split_times", False) confidence_level: float = plot_settings.get("confidence_level", 0.95) # visualize aggregation_data: list[tuple[Baseline, list[Curve], SearchspaceStatistics, np.ndarray]] = list() for gpu_name in self.experiment["GPUs"]: for kernel_name in self.experiment["kernels"]: print(f" | visualizing optimization of {kernel_name} for {gpu_name}") title = f"{kernel_name} on {gpu_name}" title = title.replace("_", " ") # get the statistics searchspace_stats = SearchspaceStatistics( kernel_name=kernel_name, device_name=gpu_name, minimization=self.minimization, objective_time_keys=objective_time_keys, objective_performance_keys=objective_performance_keys, bruteforced_caches_path=experiment_folderpath / self.experiment["bruteforced_caches_path"], ) # get the cached strategy results as curves strategies_curves: list[Curve] = list() for strategy in self.strategies: results_description = self.results_descriptions[gpu_name][kernel_name][strategy["name"]] if results_description is None: raise ValueError( f"""Strategy {strategy['display_name']} not in results_description, make sure execute_experiment() has ran first""" ) strategies_curves.append(StochasticOptimizationAlgorithm(results_description)) # set the x-axis range _, cutoff_point_fevals, cutoff_point_time = searchspace_stats.cutoff_point_fevals_time( cutoff_percentile ) _, cutoff_point_fevals_start, cutoff_point_time_start = searchspace_stats.cutoff_point_fevals_time( cutoff_percentile_start ) fevals_range = np.arange(start=cutoff_point_fevals_start, stop=cutoff_point_fevals) time_range = np.linspace(start=cutoff_point_time_start, stop=cutoff_point_time, num=time_resolution) # baseline_time_interpolated = np.linspace(mean_feval_time, cutoff_point_time, time_resolution) # baseline = get_random_curve(cutoff_point_fevals, sorted_times, time_resolution) # compare baselines if compare_baselines is True: self.plot_baselines_comparison( time_range, searchspace_stats, objective_time_keys, confidence_level=confidence_level, title=title, strategies_curves=strategies_curves, save_fig=save_extra_figs, ) if compare_split_times is True: self.plot_split_times_comparison( "fevals", fevals_range, searchspace_stats, objective_time_keys, title=title, strategies_curves=strategies_curves, save_fig=save_extra_figs, ) self.plot_split_times_comparison( "time", time_range, searchspace_stats, objective_time_keys, title=title, strategies_curves=strategies_curves, save_fig=save_extra_figs, ) self.plot_split_times_bar_comparison( "time", time_range, searchspace_stats, objective_time_keys, title=title, strategies_curves=strategies_curves, save_fig=save_extra_figs, ) if not continue_after_comparison and (compare_baselines is True or compare_split_times is True): continue # get the random baseline random_baseline = RandomSearchCalculatedBaseline(searchspace_stats) # set additional baselines for comparison baselines_extra: list[Baseline] = [] if compare_extra_baselines is True: baselines_extra.append(RandomSearchSimulatedBaseline(searchspace_stats, repeats=1000)) # baselines_extra.append(RandomSearchCalculatedBaseline(searchspace_stats, include_nan=True)) # collect aggregatable data aggregation_data.append(tuple([random_baseline, strategies_curves, searchspace_stats, time_range])) # visualize the results for x_type in plot_x_value_types: if x_type == "aggregated": continue elif x_type == "fevals": x_axis_range = fevals_range elif x_type == "time": x_axis_range = time_range else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid {x_type=}") # create the figure and plots fig, axs = plt.subplots( nrows=len(plot_y_value_types), ncols=1, figsize=(8, 3.4 * len(plot_y_value_types)), sharex=True, dpi=300, ) if not hasattr( axs, "__len__" ): # if there is just one subplot, wrap it in a list so it can be passed to the plot functions axs = [axs] fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title(title) if not save_figs: fig.suptitle(title) # plot the subplots of individual searchspaces for index, y_type in enumerate(plot_y_value_types): self.plot_strategies( x_type, y_type, axs[index], searchspace_stats, strategies_curves, x_axis_range, plot_settings, random_baseline, baselines_extra=baselines_extra, ) if index == 0: loc = "lower right" if y_type == "normalized" else "best" axs[index].legend(loc=loc) # finalize the figure and save or display it fig.supxlabel(self.get_x_axis_label(x_type, objective_time_keys)) fig.tight_layout() if save_figs: filename = f"{self.plot_filename_prefix}{title}_{x_type}" filename = filename.replace(" ", "_") fig.savefig(filename, dpi=300) print(f"Figure saved to {filename}") else: # plot the aggregated searchspaces if ( "aggregated" in plot_x_value_types and continue_after_comparison or not (compare_baselines or compare_split_times) ): fig, axs = plt.subplots( ncols=1, figsize=(9, 6), dpi=300 ) # if multiple subplots, pass the axis to the plot function with axs[0] etc. if not hasattr(axs, "__len__"): axs = [axs] title = f"""Aggregated Data\nkernels: {', '.join(self.experiment['kernels'])}\nGPUs: {', '.join(self.experiment['GPUs'])}""" fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title(title) if not save_figs: fig.suptitle(title) # finalize the figure and save or display it self.plot_strategies_aggregated(axs[0], aggregation_data, plot_settings=plot_settings) fig.tight_layout() if save_figs: filename = f"{self.plot_filename_prefix}aggregated" filename = filename.replace(" ", "_") fig.savefig(filename, dpi=300) print(f"Figure saved to {filename}") else:
[docs] def plot_baselines_comparison( self, time_range: np.ndarray, searchspace_stats: SearchspaceStatistics, objective_time_keys: list, confidence_level: float, title: str = None, strategies_curves: list[Curve] = list(), save_fig=False, ): """Plots a comparison of baselines on a time range. Optionally also compares against strategies listed in strategies_curves. Args: time_range: range of time to plot on. searchspace_stats: Searchspace statistics object. objective_time_keys: objective time keys. confidence_level: the confidence interval used for the confidence / prediction interval. title: the title for this plot, if not given, a title is generated. Defaults to None. strategies_curves: the strategy curves to draw in the plot. Defaults to list(). save_fig: whether to save the resulting figure to file. Defaults to False. """ dist = searchspace_stats.objective_performances_total_sorted plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5), dpi=300) # list the baselines to test baselines: list[Baseline] = list() # baselines.append( # RandomSearchCalculatedBaseline(searchspace_stats, include_nan=False, time_per_feval_operator="median") # ) baselines.append(RandomSearchCalculatedBaseline(searchspace_stats, time_per_feval_operator="mean")) baselines.append( RandomSearchCalculatedBaseline( searchspace_stats, include_nan=True, time_per_feval_operator="median_per_feval" ) ) # plot random baseline implementations for baseline in baselines: plt.plot(time_range, baseline.get_curve_over_time(time_range), label=baseline.label) # plot normal strategies for strategy_curve in strategies_curves: ( _, x_axis_range_real, curve_real, curve_lower_err_real, curve_upper_err_real, x_axis_range_fictional, curve_fictional, curve_lower_err_fictional, curve_upper_err_fictional, ) = strategy_curve.get_curve_over_time(time_range, dist=dist, confidence_level=confidence_level) # when adding error shades to visualization, don't forget to pass confidence interval to get_curve_over_time plt.plot(x_axis_range_real, curve_real, label=strategy_curve.display_name, linestyle="dashed") if x_axis_range_fictional.ndim > 0: plt.plot(x_axis_range_fictional, curve_fictional, linestyle="dotted") # finalize the plot if title is not None: plt.title(title) plt.xlabel(self.get_x_axis_label("time", objective_time_keys)) plt.ylabel(self.y_metric_displayname["objective_absolute"]) plt.xlim(time_range[0], time_range[-1]) plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() # write to file or show if save_fig: filename = f"{self.plot_filename_prefix}{title}_baselines" filename = filename.replace(" ", "_") plt.savefig(filename, dpi=300) print(f"Figure saved to {filename}") else:
[docs] def plot_split_times_comparison( self, x_type: str, fevals_or_time_range: np.ndarray, searchspace_stats: SearchspaceStatistics, objective_time_keys: list, title: str = None, strategies_curves: list[Curve] = list(), save_fig=False, ): """Plots a comparison of split times for strategies and baselines over the given range. Args: x_type: the type of ``fevals_or_time_range``. fevals_or_time_range: the time or function evaluations range to plot on. searchspace_stats: the Searchspace statistics object. objective_time_keys: the objective time keys. title: the title for this plot, if not given, a title is generated. Defaults to None. strategies_curves: the strategy curves to draw in the plot. Defaults to list(). save_fig: whether to save the resulting figure to file. Defaults to False. Raises: ValueError: on unexpected strategies curve instance. """ # list the baselines to test baselines: list[Baseline] = list() # baselines.append( # RandomSearchCalculatedBaseline( # searchspace_stats, include_nan=True, time_per_feval_operator="median_per_feval" # ) # ) lines: list[CurveBasis] = strategies_curves + baselines # setup the subplots num_rows = len(lines) fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=num_rows, ncols=1, figsize=(9, 3 * num_rows), sharex=True) if not hasattr( axs, "__len__" ): # if there is just one subplot, wrap it in a list so it can be passed to the plot functions axs = [axs] if title is not None: fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title(title) fig.suptitle(title) labels = list(key for key in objective_time_keys) # plot the baselines and strategies for ax_index, line in enumerate(lines): ax = axs[ax_index] if isinstance(line, Curve): curvetitle = line.display_name elif isinstance(line, Baseline): curvetitle = line.label else: raise ValueError(f"Expected Curve or Baseline instance, but line is {type(line)}") split_times = line.get_split_times(fevals_or_time_range, x_type, searchspace_stats) ax.set_title(curvetitle) ax.stackplot(fevals_or_time_range, split_times, labels=labels) ax.set_ylabel(self.get_x_axis_label("time", objective_time_keys)) ax.set_xlim(fevals_or_time_range[0], fevals_or_time_range[-1]) # plot the mean mean = np.mean(np.sum(split_times, axis=0)) ax.axhline(y=mean, label="Mean sum") if isinstance(line, Baseline): average_time_per_feval_used = searchspace_stats.get_time_per_feval(line.time_per_feval_operator) ax.axhline(y=average_time_per_feval_used, label="Average used") print(f"{curvetitle} mean: {round(mean, 3)}, average used: {round(average_time_per_feval_used, 3)}") else: print(f"{curvetitle} mean: {round(mean, 3)}") # finalize the plot handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() fig.legend(handles, labels) fig.supxlabel(self.get_x_axis_label(x_type, objective_time_keys)) fig.tight_layout() # write to file or show if save_fig: filename = f"{self.plot_filename_prefix}{title}_split_times_{x_type}" filename = filename.replace(" ", "_") plt.savefig(filename, dpi=300) print(f"Figure saved to {filename}") else:
[docs] def plot_split_times_bar_comparison( self, x_type: str, fevals_or_time_range: np.ndarray, searchspace_stats: SearchspaceStatistics, objective_time_keys: list[str], title: str = None, strategies_curves: list[Curve] = list(), print_table_format=True, print_skip=["validation"], save_fig=False, ): """Plots a bar chart comparison of the average split times for strategies over the given range. Args: x_type: the type of ``fevals_or_time_range``. fevals_or_time_range: the time or function evaluations range to plot on. searchspace_stats: the Searchspace statistics object. objective_time_keys: the objective time keys. title: the title for this plot, if not given, a title is generated. Defaults to None. strategies_curves: the strategy curves to draw in the plot. Defaults to list(). print_table_format: print a LaTeX-formatted table. Defaults to True. print_skip: list of ``time_keys`` to be skipped in the printed table. Defaults to ["verification_time"]. save_fig: whether to save the resulting figure to file. Defaults to False. """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(dpi=200) width = 0.5 strategy_labels = list() for print_skip_key in print_skip: assert ( print_skip_key in objective_time_keys ), f"Each key in print_skip must be in objective_time_keys, {print_skip_key} is not ({objective_time_keys})" # get a dictionary of {time_key: [array_average_time_per_strategy]} data_dict = dict.fromkeys(objective_time_keys) data_table = list( list(list() for _ in range(len(objective_time_keys) - len(print_skip))) for _ in range(len(strategies_curves) + 1) ) for objective_time_key in objective_time_keys: data_dict[objective_time_key] = np.full((len(strategies_curves)), np.NaN) for strategy_index, strategy_curve in enumerate(strategies_curves): print_skip_counter = 0 strategy_labels.append(strategy_curve.display_name) strategy_split_times = strategy_curve.get_split_times(fevals_or_time_range, x_type, searchspace_stats) # print(f"{strategy_curve.display_name}: ({strategy_split_times.shape})") for objective_time_key_index, objective_time_key in enumerate(objective_time_keys): key_split_times = strategy_split_times[objective_time_key_index] key_split_times = key_split_times[key_split_times > 0] split_time = max(np.median(key_split_times), 0.0) split_time = 0.0 if np.isnan(split_time) else split_time data_dict[objective_time_key][strategy_index] = split_time # print( # f""" {objective_time_key}: {key_split_times[key_split_times > 0].shape}, # {np.mean(key_split_times)}, {np.median(key_split_times)}""" # ) if objective_time_key not in print_skip: if strategy_index == 0: data_table[0][objective_time_key_index - print_skip_counter] = objective_time_key.replace( "_", " " ) data_table[strategy_index + 1][objective_time_key_index - print_skip_counter] = str( "%.3g" % split_time ) else: print_skip_counter += 1 # print in table format if print_table_format: print("") num_times = len(data_table[0]) print("\\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{l" + "|X" * num_times + "}") print("\hline") header = "} & \\textbf{".join(data_table[0]) print("\\textbf{Algorithm} & \\textbf{" + header + "} \\" + "\\") print("\hline") for strategy_index in range(len(strategy_labels)): print( f" {strategy_labels[strategy_index]} & {' & '.join(data_table[strategy_index + 1])} \\\\\hline" ) print("\end{tabularx}") # plot the bars bottom = np.zeros(len(strategies_curves)) for objective_time_key, objective_times in data_dict.items(): objective_times = np.array(objective_times), objective_times, width, label=objective_time_key, bottom=bottom) bottom += objective_times # finalize the plot ax.set_ylabel(self.get_x_axis_label(x_type, objective_time_keys)) ax.legend() # ax.set_title(title) # fig.supxlabel("Median split times per optimization algorithm") fig.tight_layout() # write to file or show if save_fig: filename = f"{self.plot_filename_prefix}{title}_split_times_bar" filename = filename.replace(" ", "_") plt.savefig(filename, dpi=300) print(f"Figure saved to {filename}") else:
[docs] def plot_strategies( self, x_type: str, y_type: str, ax: plt.Axes, searchspace_stats: SearchspaceStatistics, strategies_curves: list[Curve], x_axis_range: np.ndarray, plot_settings: dict, baseline_curve: Baseline = None, baselines_extra: list[Baseline] = list(), plot_errors=True, plot_cutoffs=False, ): """Plots all optimization strategies for individual search spaces. Args: x_type: the type of ``x_axis_range``. y_type: the type of plot on the y-axis. ax: the axis to plot on. searchspace_stats: the Searchspace statistics object. strategies_curves: the strategy curves to draw in the plot. Defaults to list(). x_axis_range: the time or function evaluations range to plot on. plot_settings: dictionary of additional plot settings. baseline_curve: the ``Baseline`` to be used as a baseline in the plot. Defaults to None. baselines_extra: additional ``Baseline`` curves to compare against. Defaults to list(). plot_errors: whether errors (confidence / prediction intervals) are visualized. Defaults to True. plot_cutoffs: whether the cutoff points for early stopping algorithms are visualized. Defaults to False. """ confidence_level: float = plot_settings.get("confidence_level", 0.95) absolute_optimum = searchspace_stats.total_performance_absolute_optimum() median = searchspace_stats.total_performance_median() optimum_median_difference = absolute_optimum - median def normalize(curve): """Min-max normalization with median as min and absolute optimum as max.""" if curve is None: return None return (curve - median) / optimum_median_difference def normalize_multiple(curves: list) -> tuple: """Normalize multiple curves at once.""" return tuple(normalize(curve) for curve in curves) # plot the absolute optimum absolute_optimum_y_value = absolute_optimum if y_type == "absolute" or y_type == "scatter" else 1 absolute_optimum_label = ( "Absolute optimum ({})".format(round(absolute_optimum, 3)) if y_type == "absolute" else "Absolute optimum" ) ax.axhline(absolute_optimum_y_value, c="black", ls="-.", label=absolute_optimum_label) # plot baseline if baseline_curve is not None: if y_type == "baseline": ax.axhline(0, label="baseline trajectory", color="black", ls="--") elif y_type == "normalized" or y_type == "baseline": baseline = baseline_curve.get_curve(x_axis_range, x_type) if y_type == "normalized": baseline = normalize(baseline) ax.plot(x_axis_range, baseline, label="Calculated baseline", color="black", ls="--") # plot additional baselines if provided baselines_extra_curves = list() for baseline_extra in baselines_extra: curve = baseline_extra.get_curve(x_axis_range, x_type) if y_type == "normalized": curve = normalize(curve) elif y_type == "baseline": curve = baseline_curve.get_standardised_curve(x_axis_range, curve, x_type=x_type) ax.plot(x_axis_range, curve, label=baseline_extra.label, ls=":") baselines_extra_curves.append(curve) if len(baselines_extra) >= 2: ax.plot(x_axis_range, np.mean(baselines_extra_curves, axis=0), label="Mean of extra baselines", ls=":") # plot each strategy dist = searchspace_stats.objective_performances_total_sorted ylim_min = 0 for strategy_index, strategy in enumerate(self.strategies): if "hide" in strategy.keys() and strategy["hide"]: continue # get the data color = self.colors[strategy_index] label = f"{strategy['display_name']}" strategy_curve = strategies_curves[strategy_index] # get the plot data if y_type == "scatter": x_axis, y_axis = strategy_curve.get_scatter_data(x_type) ax.scatter(x_axis, y_axis, label=label, color=color) continue else: ( real_stopping_point, x_axis_range_real, curve_real, curve_lower_err_real, curve_upper_err_real, x_axis_range_fictional, curve_fictional, curve_lower_err_fictional, curve_upper_err_fictional, ) = strategy_curve.get_curve(x_axis_range, x_type, dist=dist, confidence_level=confidence_level) # transform the curves as necessary and set ylims if y_type == "normalized": curve_real, curve_lower_err_real, curve_upper_err_real = normalize_multiple( [curve_real, curve_lower_err_real, curve_upper_err_real] ) curve_fictional, curve_lower_err_fictional, curve_upper_err_fictional = normalize_multiple( [curve_fictional, curve_lower_err_fictional, curve_upper_err_fictional] ) elif y_type == "baseline": curve_real, curve_lower_err_real, curve_upper_err_real = baseline_curve.get_standardised_curves( x_axis_range_real, [curve_real, curve_lower_err_real, curve_upper_err_real], x_type ) if x_axis_range_fictional.ndim > 0: ( curve_fictional, curve_lower_err_fictional, curve_upper_err_fictional, ) = baseline_curve.get_standardised_curves( x_axis_range_fictional, [curve_fictional, curve_lower_err_fictional, curve_upper_err_fictional], x_type, ) ylim_min = min(np.min(curve_real), ylim_min) # visualize if plot_errors: ax.fill_between( x_axis_range_real, curve_lower_err_real, curve_upper_err_real, alpha=0.15, antialiased=True, color=color, ) ax.plot(x_axis_range_real, curve_real, label=label, color=color) # select the parts of the data that are fictional if real_stopping_point < x_axis_range.shape[-1]: # visualize fictional part if plot_errors: ax.fill_between( x_axis_range_fictional, curve_lower_err_fictional, curve_upper_err_fictional, alpha=0.15, antialiased=True, color=color, ls="dashed", ) ax.plot(x_axis_range_fictional, curve_fictional, color=color, ls="dashed") # # plot cutoff point # def plot_cutoff_point(cutoff_percentiles: np.ndarray, show_label=True): # """ plot the cutoff point """ # cutoff_point_values = list() # cutoff_point_fevals = list() # for cutoff_percentile in cutoff_percentiles: # cutoff_point_value, cutoff_point_feval = searchspace_stats.cutoff_point(cutoff_percentile) # cutoff_point_values.append(cutoff_point_value) # cutoff_point_fevals.append(cutoff_point_feval) # # get the correct value depending on the plot type # if y_type == 'absolute': # y_values = cutoff_point_values # elif y_type == 'normalized': # y_values = normalize(cutoff_point_values) # elif y_type == 'baseline': # y_values = baseline_curve.get_standardised_curve_over_fevals(fevals_range, cutoff_percentiles) # # plot # label = f"cutoff point" if show_label else None # ax.plot(cutoff_point_fevals, y_values, marker='o', color='red', label=label) # # test a range of cutoff percentiles to see if they match with random search # if y_type == 'absolute' or y_type == 'normalized': # cutoff_percentile_start = self.experiment.get("cutoff_percentile_start", 0.01) # cutoff_percentile_end = self.experiment.get("cutoff_percentile") # cutoff_percentiles_low_precision = np.arange(cutoff_percentile_start, 0.925, step=0.05) # cutoff_percentiles_high_precision = np.arange(0.925, cutoff_percentile_end, step=0.001) # plot_cutoff_point(np.concatenate([cutoff_percentiles_low_precision, cutoff_percentiles_high_precision])) # finalize the plot ax.set_xlim(tuple([x_axis_range[0], x_axis_range[-1]])) ax.set_ylabel(self.y_metric_displayname[f"objective_{y_type}"], fontsize="large") normalized_ylim_margin = 0.02 if y_type == "absolute": multiplier = 0.99 if self.minimization else 1.01 ax.set_ylim(absolute_optimum * multiplier, median) # elif y_type == 'normalized': # ax.set_ylim((0.0, 1 + normalized_ylim_margin)) elif y_type == "baseline": ax.set_ylim((min(-normalized_ylim_margin, ylim_min - normalized_ylim_margin), 1 + normalized_ylim_margin))
[docs] def get_strategies_aggregated_performance( self, aggregation_data: list[tuple[Baseline, list[Curve], SearchspaceStatistics, np.ndarray]], confidence_level: float, ) -> tuple[list[np.ndarray], list[np.ndarray], list[np.ndarray], list[int]]: """Combines the performances across searchspaces. Args: aggregation_data: the aggregated data from the various searchspaces. confidence_level: the confidence interval used for the confidence / prediction interval. Returns: The aggregated relative performances of each strategy. """ # for each strategy, collect the relative performance in each search space strategies_performance = [list() for _ in aggregation_data[0][1]] strategies_performance_lower_err = [list() for _ in aggregation_data[0][1]] strategies_performance_upper_err = [list() for _ in aggregation_data[0][1]] strategies_performance_real_stopping_point_fraction = [list() for _ in range(len(aggregation_data[0][1]))] for random_baseline, strategies_curves, searchspace_stats, time_range in aggregation_data: dist = searchspace_stats.objective_performances_total_sorted for strategy_index, strategy_curve in enumerate(strategies_curves): # get the real and fictional performance curves ( real_stopping_point_index, x_axis_range_real, curve_real, curve_lower_err_real, curve_upper_err_real, x_axis_range_fictional, curve_fictional, curve_lower_err_fictional, curve_upper_err_fictional, ) = strategy_curve.get_curve_over_time(time_range, dist=dist, confidence_level=confidence_level) # combine the real and fictional parts to get the full curve combine = x_axis_range_fictional.ndim > 0 x_axis_range = ( np.concatenate([x_axis_range_real, x_axis_range_fictional]) if combine else x_axis_range_real ) assert np.array_equal(time_range, x_axis_range, equal_nan=True), "time_range != x_axis_range" curve = np.concatenate([curve_real, curve_fictional]) if combine else curve_real curve_lower_err = ( np.concatenate([curve_lower_err_real, curve_lower_err_fictional]) if combine else curve_lower_err_real ) curve_upper_err = ( np.concatenate([curve_upper_err_real, curve_upper_err_fictional]) if combine else curve_upper_err_real ) # get the standardised curves and write them to the collector curve, curve_lower_err, curve_upper_err = random_baseline.get_standardised_curves( time_range, [curve, curve_lower_err, curve_upper_err], x_type="time" ) strategies_performance[strategy_index].append(curve) strategies_performance_lower_err[strategy_index].append(curve_lower_err) strategies_performance_upper_err[strategy_index].append(curve_upper_err) strategies_performance_real_stopping_point_fraction[strategy_index].append( real_stopping_point_index / x_axis_range.shape[0] ) # for each strategy, get the mean performance per step in time_range strategies_aggregated_performance: list[np.ndarray] = list() strategies_aggregated_lower_err: list[np.ndarray] = list() strategies_aggregated_upper_err: list[np.ndarray] = list() strategies_aggregated_real_stopping_point_fraction: list[float] = list() for index in range(len(strategies_performance)): strategies_aggregated_performance.append(np.mean(np.array(strategies_performance[index]), axis=0)) strategies_aggregated_lower_err.append(np.mean(np.array(strategies_performance_lower_err[index]), axis=0)) strategies_aggregated_upper_err.append(np.mean(np.array(strategies_performance_upper_err[index]), axis=0)) strategies_aggregated_real_stopping_point_fraction.append( np.median(strategies_performance_real_stopping_point_fraction[index]) ) return ( strategies_aggregated_performance, strategies_aggregated_lower_err, strategies_aggregated_upper_err, strategies_aggregated_real_stopping_point_fraction, )
[docs] def plot_strategies_aggregated( self, ax: plt.Axes, aggregation_data: list[tuple[Baseline, list[Curve], SearchspaceStatistics, np.ndarray]], plot_settings: dict, ): """Plots all optimization strategies combined accross search spaces. Args: ax: the axis to plot on. aggregation_data: the aggregated data from the various searchspaces. plot_settings: dictionary of additional plot settings. """ # plot the random baseline and absolute optimum ax.axhline(0, label="Calculated baseline", c="black", ls=":") ax.axhline(1, label="Absolute optimum", c="black", ls="-.") # get the relative aggregated performance for each strategy confidence_level: float = plot_settings.get("confidence_level", 0.95) ( strategies_performance, strategies_lower_err, strategies_upper_err, strategies_real_stopping_point_fraction, ) = self.get_strategies_aggregated_performance(aggregation_data, confidence_level) # plot each strategy y_axis_size = strategies_performance[0].shape[0] time_range = np.arange(y_axis_size) plot_errors = True print("\n-------") print("Quantification of aggregate performance across all search spaces:") for strategy_index, strategy_performance in enumerate(strategies_performance): displayname = self.strategies[strategy_index]["display_name"] color = self.colors[strategy_index] real_stopping_point_fraction = strategies_real_stopping_point_fraction[strategy_index] real_stopping_point_index = round(real_stopping_point_fraction * time_range.shape[0]) if real_stopping_point_index <= 0: warnings.warn(f"Stopping point index for {displayname} is at {real_stopping_point_index}") continue # plot the errors if plot_errors: strategy_lower_err = strategies_lower_err[strategy_index] strategy_upper_err = strategies_upper_err[strategy_index] ax.fill_between( time_range[:real_stopping_point_index], strategy_lower_err[:real_stopping_point_index], strategy_upper_err[:real_stopping_point_index], alpha=0.15, antialiased=True, color=color, ) if ( real_stopping_point_index < time_range.shape[0] and real_stopping_point_index < len(strategy_lower_err) - 1 ): ax.fill_between( time_range[real_stopping_point_index:], strategy_lower_err[real_stopping_point_index:], strategy_upper_err[real_stopping_point_index:], alpha=0.15, antialiased=True, color=color, ls="dashed", ) # plot the curve ax.plot( time_range[:real_stopping_point_index], strategy_performance[:real_stopping_point_index], color=color, label=displayname, ) if ( real_stopping_point_index < time_range.shape[0] and real_stopping_point_index < len(strategy_performance) - 1 ): ax.plot( time_range[real_stopping_point_index:], strategy_performance[real_stopping_point_index:], color=color, ls="dashed", ) performance_score = round(np.mean(strategy_performance), 3) performance_score_std = round(np.std(strategy_performance), 3) print(f" | performance of {displayname}: {performance_score}{performance_score_std})") # set the axis cutoff_percentile: float = self.experiment.get("cutoff_percentile", 1) cutoff_percentile_start: float = self.experiment.get("cutoff_percentile_start", 0.01) ax.set_xlabel( f"{self.x_metric_displayname['aggregate_time']} ({cutoff_percentile_start*100}% to {cutoff_percentile*100}%)", # noqa: E501 fontsize="large", ) ax.set_ylabel(self.y_metric_displayname["aggregate_objective"], fontsize="large") num_ticks = 11 ax.set_xticks( np.linspace(0, y_axis_size, num_ticks), np.round(np.linspace(0, 1, num_ticks), 2), ) ax.set_ylim(top=1.02) ax.set_xlim((0, y_axis_size)) ax.legend()
[docs] def get_x_axis_label(self, x_type: str, objective_time_keys: list): """Formatter to get the appropriate x-axis label depending on the x-axis type. Args: x_type: the type of a range, either time or function evaluations. objective_time_keys: the objective time keys used. Raises: ValueError: when an invalid ``x_type`` is given. Returns: The formatted x-axis label. """ if x_type == "fevals": x_label = self.x_metric_displayname[x_type] elif x_type == "time" and len(objective_time_keys) == len(objective_time_keys_values): x_label = self.x_metric_displayname["time_total"] elif x_type == "time": partials = list(f"{self.x_metric_displayname[f'time_partial_{key}']}" for key in objective_time_keys) concatenated = ", ".join(partials) if len(objective_time_keys) > 2: concatenated = f"\n{concatenated}" x_label = f"Cumulative time in seconds of {concatenated}" else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid {x_type=}") return x_label
[docs] def is_ran_as_notebook() -> bool: # pragma: no cover """Function to determine if this file is ran from an interactive notebook.""" try: from IPython import get_ipython shell = get_ipython().__class__.__name__ if shell == "ZMQInteractiveShell": return True # Jupyter notebook or qtconsole elif shell == "TerminalInteractiveShell": return False # Terminal running IPython else: return False # Other type (?) except ModuleNotFoundError or NameError: return False # Probably standard Python interpreter
[docs] def entry_point(): # pragma: no cover """Entry point function for Visualization.""" is_notebook = is_ran_as_notebook() if is_notebook: # take the CWD one level up import os os.chdir("../") print(os.getcwd()) experiment_filepath = "test_random_calculated" # experiment_filepath = "methodology_paper_example" # %matplotlib widget # IPython magic line that sets matplotlib to widget backend for interactive else: experiment_filepath = get_args_from_cli() Visualize(experiment_filepath, save_figs=not is_notebook)
if __name__ == "__main__": entry_point()